#001 - The Pseudo-Major

Originally posted: 07 July 2019
Original thread: The Pseudo-Major
Image source: Gelbooru

The Major woke up in a strange new body. Externally, it looked exactly like her actual body dressed in skimpy leather, but she could tell right away that this was one of the newer advanced pleasure models, with lifelike nerve endings in the synthetic flesh.

When the door creaked open, the Major took a heavy swing at the well-dressed man that stepped through the door, but unused to the weakness of her new body, her blow was ineffectual. Instead she felt a current go through her body, and she fell to her knees, incapacitated.

"Who the fuck are you?" she spat, struggling to stand.

The man grinned. "As feisty as advertised. Getting an imprint of the famous Kusanagi’s brain was worth it, after all," he said to his partner, a similarly sharply-dressed man.

"You see, 'Major', you’re as close a copy of the actual Kusanagi as we could get, but you’re not real," her captor said, tweaking her nipples, sending bolts of electric arousal through her body. "The real bitch is out there solving crimes and arresting degenerates. You were created for one purpose only - to please your masters."

The pseudo-Major struggled in vain, for her new body, built for pleasure, was much weaker than even the old men. "We can make you cum with the touch of a button," Dildo Man said, "but we like a challenge." She gasped at the strong sensations as the other man pushed a dildo into her pussy, her custom-made vaginal canal feeling every little nub on the dildo as they slid into her.

"Before this night is up, you will beg for our cocks."


One disturbing/intriguing implication of "mind-transfer"-type technology often seen in sci-fi would be that it can also be illicitly copied. I've always been intrigued with the idea of someone who's a badass fighter or of high social status being mind-copied and put into a clone or pleasure model. The original person is still out there doing their thing, but from your perspective, you have all the memories and personality of the original, and just woke up in an ersatz body one day, to be tormented by your captor as they will.

Not only would you be completely under their power, you (the copy) would have no legal rights, and the original you might even desire you destroyed, were she to find out. The idea of being so utterly at the mercy of someone is simultaneously one of my deepest fears, and one of my deepest fantasies.

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