#003 - "You have to beg for it."

prev: #002 - The Entrapment of Miss Clara

Originally posted: 08 July 2019
Original thread: You Have To Beg For It
Image source: Sankaku

“What is it, slave? What is it you want?”

I thrust my hips towards his dripping fingers, which he pulls away ever so slightly, but it is always close, so tantalizingly close. I moan in frustration, my need so urgent that I had long since abandoned any pretense of decorum.

“Like I said from the very beginning, you have to beg for it.”

We had danced this dance for what seemed like hours. He would skillfully bring me to the edge and then stop right before I teetered over it, denying me sweet release. Then he’d release the gag, and every time he did, I would spit obscenities in his face.

Each time, defiance becomes a little harder.

“What’ll it be this time, cunt?”

A tear tracks down my cheek as I feel the last of my pride evaporate. I whimper against my gag, and he removes it again. My lip trembles as I hesitate.



Another one from my old Tumblr back in 2013.

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