#005 - Jakku Debt-Slave Blues

prev: #004 - The Secret Fucktoy

Originally posted: 08 July 2019
Original thread: Jakku Debt-Slave Blues
Image source: HentaiFoundry

Seku has always had bad fucking luck.

She'd been so close to finally getting offworld. For months, she had been scavenging parts and covertly repairing this ancient Corellian freighter languishing on the far side of Unkar Plutt's compound. It was an outdated piece of junk, but apparently some collector had wanted it. All she had to do was to get it flight-capable.

And finally, one day, it was. She'd wait till nightfall, sneak into the compound, then blast off with the piece of junk. But then everything went to shit. That very day, stormtroopers showed up out of nowhere, shot up the place a bunch, and then in the chaos some schutta stole a ship - Seku's ship!

That hadn't been the end of her misfortune. The guard Seku had bribed to look the other way while she repaired the freighter lost his nerve and blabbed to Unkar about Seku's plot.

That's how Seku ended up being on the hook for the cost of the freighter, which, now that it was stolen, suddenly became not quite the worthless piece of junk it had been for decades. Fucking Unkar.

She was in no position to protest. Knowing she'd never be able to pay it back with salvage alone, Unkar stuck her in a tiny wall niche, where she spends all day on her knees, servicing the cocks that poked through the gaps in the wall. Pink ones, blue ones, red ones, brown ones... even the occasional mass of tentacles, they're all the same, in the end. She tries to lick up as much cum as she can. It's the only way she gets fed.

At the end of her long shift, Unkar would lumber by her niche, expose his slimy cock. As Seku takes his disgusting member into her mouth, Unkar would scratch her daily pay off her debt. Another day, another fifty creds.

1450 credits repaid, 48,550 to go.

Once in a while, she'd hear about the schutta who stole her ticket offworld and saddled her with the debt. She too used to work this niche, though Unkar didn't have to chain her to the wall. Rumor was, she went and joined the Resistance. Others whispered that she'd become a Jedi sorceress. But people say crazy things.

A Jedi. Pfft.

An alternate perspective on the Jakku parts in The Force Awakens. When the midichlorians adjust the flow of destiny, there are winners and there are losers.

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