#015 - Nate, method actor

prev: #014 - Married to, but also occasionally Sophie

Featured X-Change: Clone
Originally posted: 19 July 2019
Original thread: Nate, method actor
Video/GIF source: Gfycat

So that's me, being double-teamed by a father and his son. I'm what they call an "X-Change hooker". My particular specialty is X-Change Clone.

Here's how it works: the customer gives me a couple of hairs or skin flakes (I try not to think about it), plus a few videos and photos for reference. Sometimes it's bosses, co-workers or classmates. But mostly it's family members. Daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts. Did grandma, once. I don't judge.

I pop the Clone pill with the DNA fragments, and immerse myself into the role. For the next twelve hours, I become that woman. It's challenging but rewarding work.

I started out doing this to pay the rent as a struggling actor but, not gonna lie, I love my job.

- Nate, method actor


I'm quite taken with the idea of models renting out their look to method actors for film industry roles that require a certain look, greatly simplifying the casting process. Can you imagine someone like Daniel Day-Lewis or Paul Giamatti bringing their charisma and experience into the role of a young woman with the looks of Cara Delevingne or Kate Upton? Or maybe for a Mass Effect movie/series they can get Helen Mirren to take on the look of Mark Vanderloo (Manshep) while taking advantage of Mirren's acting chops.

Note about Clone: it's a variant where, with the relevant DNA, you can transform into that person, instead of a female version of yourself.

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