#016 - Bill, rediscovering herself

prev: #015 - Nate, method actor

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Originally posted: 13 September 2019
Original thread: Bill, rediscovering herself
Video/GIF source: XHamster

Idly surfing PornHub on a Friday night with cock in hand, I stumble upon a video with the title "Cute backpacker slut fucked HARD by big cock". Pretty standard porn title word salad. But it's the thumbnail over the title that makes my stomach twist. It almost reminds me of- no... surely not.

Heart pounding, I click into the video...

...and the sight of the room and the indistinct sound of Turkish television brings me forcefully back. The starched sheets bunched in my fists, the sound of his labored breathing, the clammy hands clamped on my petite waist...

The feel - oh god - the feel of a fat cock smashing into my wet new pussy as I tried, desperately, to ignore the mind-shattering orgasm building in my loins.

It's been so long ago I'd hardly thought about it in years. While backpacking around the Mediterranean in my gap year, my backpack had been stolen from my room. In it was my phone, most of my money, my passport. The hotel manager was completely unsympathetic. Pay up today, he told me, or be reported to the police for theft.

I didn't even have enough money to get a cab to the embassy. What I did have enough for was a little pink pill from the shady dealer around the corner.

It was to be my shameful little secret. No one would ever have to know. But now I find out that the hotel manager, that slimy son of a bitch, had been secretly filming it! I feel a wave of anger and indignation... and yet again, something else.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat. In my hand, my cock is rock hard.

- Bill, rediscovering herself


Been sitting on this one for a while. I knew I wanted to go with the backpacker angle, but wasn't quite sure how to tease it out.

That source video, by the way. The sounds she makes add so much to it.

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